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To:     MOU Financial Leads and Finance Council
Business Managers
School/Division HR Officers and Secondary Contacts

From: Matthew M. Fajack, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
Paige Burton, Executive Director for Office of Budget, Planning & Analysis

Date: November 11, 2015

As referenced in the Legislative Lump Sum Bonus communication dated Oct. 28, 2015, the General Assembly will fund a $750 one-time lump sum bonus for all permanent UNC-CH employees both subject to and exempt from the State Human Resources Act (SHRA, formerly known as SPA, and EHRA, formerly known as EPA). This bonus shall not be considered part of an employee’s annual salary or base rate of pay for retirement purposes. The Office of State Budget and Management (OSBM) has been directed to transfer the allocation of these appropriated funds to our University.

All SHRA (SPA) permanent, probationary, trainee and time-limited employees and all permanent EHRA (EPA) Faculty and Non-Faculty employees who were employed as of Nov. 1, 2015, are eligible for the bonus.  The bonus will NOT be paid to employees who separated prior to Nov. 1 or who were hired effective Nov. 2 or later. Once the allocation is received and the one-time bonus is distributed, the Office of Budget, Planning & Analysis will allocate budget based on the way the $750 bonus was distributed against the State Appropriated chart field strings.

There will be no fund coverage for bonuses distributed against State Receipt-supported (including SBTI) and Non-State funds. Major Organizational Units (MOUs) will have to use existing funds to cover bonuses. The administration of bonus payments will be handled by the central offices. There is no manual entry required from schools/departments.

If you have questions, please contact Paige Burton (, McGregor Bell ( ), Henry Price ( or Helen Jeffries (

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