To: University Business Managers
MOU Leads
From: Henry Price, Budget Officer
Emily Coble, Cash Manager
With the implementation of ConnectCarolina Finance, the Dual Employment Payment Request Form has been updated to reflect the new chartfield structure. Please pay close attention to the additions of Vendor ID# and a Voucher number beginning in 5-###. Both fields should be assigned by the borrowing department. The form should still be made payable to the State Agency receiving the funds. Any questions should be directed to Teresa Watson (, 919-966-3251) or Henry Price (, 919-962-5765) in the Budget Office.
Additionally, a State Treasurer Payment Request Form has been created. It is to be used for any payment to North Carolina State agencies/universities. This form replaces the old Check Request used in the past to process payment via the Cash Management Central System (CMCS). All blue areas on the form must be completed or the form will be returned. Explanation of Transfer should include invoice number and the name of an individual (attention to), if needed. As in the past if you are using an OSR chartfield string you will need pre-audit approval prior to processing. If you have any questions please contact Accounting Services at or
The Dual Employment Payment Request Form and State Treasurer Payment Request Form are also available as links on the Budget Office and Accounting Services home pages, respectively.