To: Business Managers
HR Facilitators
From: Vicki Bradley, Senior Director, Employment, Classification & Compensation
Office of Human Resources
McGregor Bell, Director, Budget Office, Finance Division
Date: June 18, 2009
This memo is a follow-up to the memo regarding the lifting of the freeze effective July 1, which can be found here.
We have had some questions and want to clarify that while the current state-imposed freeze guidelines are still in effect through June 30, it is permissible, with Vice Chancellor or Dean approval, to process personnel actions now as long as the expenditures on state accounts will not occur until next fiscal year. Because of payroll schedules, approved SPA actions can be processed immediately using normal procedures; but approved EPA actions must not be effective until on or after July 1 so that any associated expenses will be incurred next fiscal year.
If you have any questions about proceeding with various HR actions, please consult your appropriate HR Specialist. If you have questions about who to contact within the Office of Human Resources, please refer to HR Connect.