To: University Business Managers
From: Martha Pendergrass, Director, Material and Disbursement Services
Date: January 26, 2009
As follow up to the recent budget reduction memo from Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Gray-Little to the vice chancellors and University deans, please be aware of the following guidelines related to budget cuts.
The purchase of goods or services in the amount of $5,000 and above may not be paid from state appropriations unless specifically approved by the department head as a necessary exception. Department heads should use their best judgment as to what is a necessary exception in the particular circumstance or situation and append a short written justification to the purchase requisition. This limitation does not apply to the purchase of supplies, equipment and materials required for classroom instructions.
The justification should be addressed to Material & Disbursement Services, specifically reference the necessity of the equipment or services being requisitioned, be signed by the department’s chair and sent as a PDF attachment to WebReq.
Travel and training paid from state funds must be limited to instances involving public safety, public health, job requirements (e.g. faculty required to travel to another campus to fulfill a contractual teaching obligation), economic development opportunities and emergency situations related to the custody and/or care of persons for whom the state is responsible, unless specifically approved by the department head as a necessary exception. Department heads should use their best judgment as to what is a necessary exception in the particular circumstance or situation and append a short written justification to the travel authorization.
The justification should be addressed to Travel Services, specifically reference the necessity of the trip, be signed by the department’s chair and sent via Doc-U-Fax with the travel authorization.
For questions regarding requisition requirements, please contact Bernard Law at 919-962-3774 or, or Mark Sillman at 919-962-9463 or For questions regarding the processing of travel forms, please contact Pat Tayloe at 843-5098 or Thank you.